International Programing

  • International Delegations

    Organizing and leading delegations of elected officials and their staff, especially from Congress, is a niche capability—but it’s a niche we excel in. Our team has organized and led delegations inside the United States and across Asia and Australia—helping our clients share their message and meet their goals worldwide.

  • Embassy Engagement

    Our team has worked in and with embassies. We understand how they are structured, we know how to help you reach them, and we can help them reach contacts whose development is central to their mission.

  • Problem Solving and Capacity Building

    Not all solutions can be sourced locally. We have a proven track record of engaging with our partners to act as a catalyst for problem-solving across the world. From grant writing all the way to the development of additive manufacturing facilities in remote areas, we’re ready to tackle persistent problems on a global scale.